
Now let’s see an example of VariantSet attribute override in action together with a reference attribute override and let’s remember the LIVRPS order of opinions evaluation:

from pxr import Sdf, UsdGeom, Usd, UsdLux, Gf
import omni.usd
import carb

BASE_DIRECTORY = "/tmp"  # This is where the .usda files will be saved

root_stage : Usd.Stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("RootLayer.usda")
cube_stage : Usd.Stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("CubeLayer.usda")

# Create a Cube "Cube" prim in the cube stage and a light

xform : UsdGeom.Xform = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(cube_stage, Sdf.Path("/World"))
cube : UsdGeom.Cube = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(cube_stage, "/World/Cube")
extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)]
environment_xform = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(cube_stage, "/World/Environment")
dome_light = UsdLux.DomeLight.Define(cube_stage, "/World/Environment/DomeLight")
# In the cube layer (the one where the cube is defined and that will be referenced by RootLayer),
# the cube has originally a red color
cube.GetPrim().CreateAttribute("primvars:displayColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3fArray).Set([(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
# Export to file
cube_stage.GetRootLayer().Export(BASE_DIRECTORY + "/CubeLayer.usda")

# Now as before set up a "/ReferencedCube" prim which references the "/World/Cube" in the CubeLayer

ref_prim : Usd.Prim = root_stage.DefinePrim("/ReferencedCube")
loaded_layer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(BASE_DIRECTORY + "/CubeLayer.usda")
    loaded_layer.identifier, # which in this case it's just the relative file path string
    "/World/Cube") # The prim which needs to be mapped at the ref_prim also needs to be specified

# At this point if graph composition were to end, the cube would just have an opinion in the referenced layer
# and would be a red colored one.

# This is where things get interesting: set up a variant set with sub-variants in the root layer
# (a VariantSet is like a new combo box to switch something in the prim, e.g. "colors for the car" or
# "level of damage of the car" or "types of wheel rims")
variant_set = ref_prim.GetVariantSets().AddVariantSet("differentColorsVariantSet")
# A variant is owned by a variant set, think of these as the different items that you can choose from the
# combo box (which is the VariantSet)

# Set the active variant
with variant_set.GetVariantEditContext():  # Set up an edit context (this is just like changing the authoring layer)
    # Give the cube in the root layer a blue color
    override_cube_prim : Usd.Prim = root_stage.OverridePrim("/ReferencedCube")
    override_cube_attr = override_cube_prim.CreateAttribute("primvars:displayColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3fArray)
    override_cube_attr.Set([(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)])

with variant_set.GetVariantEditContext():
    # Give the cube in the root layer a green color
    override_cube_prim : Usd.Prim = root_stage.OverridePrim("/ReferencedCube")
    override_cube_attr = override_cube_prim.CreateAttribute("primvars:displayColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3fArray)
    override_cube_attr.Set([(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])

# Select the active variant after editing them

# Export root stage to file
root_stage.GetRootLayer().Export(BASE_DIRECTORY + "/RootLayer.usda")

# Issue an 'open-stage' command to avoid doing this manually and free whatever stage
# was previously owned by this context
omni.usd.get_context().open_stage(BASE_DIRECTORY + "/RootLayer.usda")

If you execute this code, you should get a reference prim but with a blue color: even though the red color is authored and there’s an opinion in the referenced layer, the Variant opinion is stronger in the LIVRPS ordering and therefore wins (note that OV Composer has a very handy combo box in the Properties pane that shows the VariantSet along with its current active Variant)

USDA code is also provided for completeness

$ cat /tmp/RootLayer.usda
#usda 1.0

def "ReferencedCube" (
    prepend references = @/tmp/CubeLayer.usda@</World/Cube>
    variants = { # Active variants for multiple VariantSets are stored in the 'variants' metadata
        string differentColorsVariantSet = "blueColor"
    prepend variantSets = "differentColorsVariantSet" # the additional VariantSets
    variantSet "differentColorsVariantSet" = { # Definition for the VariantSet which will override displayColor
        "blueColor" {
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 0, 1)]
        "greenColor" {
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 1, 0)]

$ cat /tmp/CubeLayer.usda
#usda 1.0

def Xform "World"
    def Cube "Cube"
        float3[] extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)]
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 0, 0)] # This opinion will be weaker due to LIVRPS composition
        double size = 100

    def Xform "Environment"
        def DomeLight "DomeLight"
            float inputs:intensity = 1000