
Debugging USD can be challenging, there are some Tf debugging facilities that can be used to make this job easier and print detailed log in composition phases and inspect what’s going on within multiple plugins

Here’s an excerpt from USD-Cookbook

from pxr import Sdf, UsdGeom, Usd, UsdLux, Gf, Tf
import omni.usd
import carb

stage : Usd.Stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("RootLayer.usda")

# Redirect debug output to stdout, it can be redirected to a file as well

# Actual symbols are defined in C++ across many files.
# You can query them using `Tf.Debug.GetDebugSymbolNames()` or by
# searching for files that call the `TF_DEBUG_CODES` macro in C++.
# (Usually this is in files named "debugCodes.h").
symbols = Tf.Debug.GetDebugSymbolNames()

# Check if debug symbols are enabled
# (on my machine, they're all False by default)
for symbol in symbols:

# A more detailed full description of everything
print("Descriptions start")
print("Descriptions end")

# Enable change processing so we can see something happening
# You can also use glob matching. Like "USD_*" to enable many flags
# at once.
Tf.Debug.SetDebugSymbolsByName("USD_CHANGES", True)

stage.DefinePrim("/SomePrim")  # This line will print multiple messages to stdout

Note that per-plugin debugging should be enabled if you’re doing this in OV Composer. To enable all of the debug codes that start with the prefix PLUG_ the following can be used

$ TF_DEBUG="PLUG_*" /home/alex/.local/share/ov/pkg/create-2023.2.0/
# script above gets executed..
HandleLayersDidChange received (stage with rootLayer @anon:0x12035890:RootLayer.usda@, sessionLayer @anon:0x1c4ada40:RootLayer-session.usda@)
</SomePrim> in @anon:0x12035890:RootLayer.usda@ changed.
Changed field: specifier
Adding paths that use </SomePrim> in layer @anon:0x12035890:RootLayer.usda@: [ /SomePrim ]

ProcessPendingChanges (stage with rootLayer @anon:0x12035890:RootLayer.usda@, sessionLayer @anon:0x1c4ada40:RootLayer-session.usda@)
Did Change Significantly: /SomePrim
Recomposing: /SomePrim

A comprehensive list of debug codes can be found here: Debugging USD.