Events and Listeners

USD features an event system to notify and take action in case of added prims, removed prims, attribute changes, a stage was just loaded, etc.


Your callback functions registered as listeners should be fast: think of ISVs (interrupt service vectors) - their actions should either be fast or another thread/entity should be delegate to take heavy actions later. This is by design since they run in the thread where the listener was created and that’s often the main thread.

The basic structure of a USD event listener is as follows (most of the facilities are in the Tf module - see Tools Foundations):

def ObjectsChanged_callback(notice, sender):

listener = Tf.Notice.RegisterGlobally(Usd.Notice.ObjectsChanged, ObjectsChanged_callback)

# do some USD manipulations here..

listener.Revoke() # cleanup
  • ResyncedPaths are structural changes that can invalidate entire subtrees of UsdObjects (both prims and properties). These happen when you delete or add a prim, or even if you add a property or metadata. Anything that relates to composition is considered a structural change.

  • ChangedInfoOnly are non-structural changes, e.g. when you change an attribute’s or metadata’s value.

Here is a code example of registering a listener and spewing out a long list of information regarding what just happened. At a high level overview, the following is going to happen:

  1. A listener is registered
  2. A /World Xform is added to the scene, this will cause a resync (it’s a structural change)
  3. /World/Cube is added, structural
  4. Some attributes (as mandated by the Cube typed schema) are changed in /World/Cube, this is non-structural
  5. /World/Environment and /World/Environment/DomeLight are created.. same as before..
  6. The attribute /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute is created. Structural change.
  7. The default value of attribute /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute is changed. Non-structural change.
  8. The listener is revoked

Here’s the full code and output with explicative comments on what’s happening

from pxr import Sdf, UsdGeom, Usd, UsdLux, Gf, Tf
import omni.usd
import carb

BASE_DIRECTORY = "/tmp"  # This is where the .usda files will be saved

root_stage : Usd.Stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory("RootLayer.usda")

def ObjectsChanged_callback(notice, sender):
    stage = notice.GetStage()
    print(">", notice, sender)
    print(">> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths", notice.GetResyncedPaths())
    print(">> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes", notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths())

    prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/World/Cube")
    if prim:
        # path #1

        # Check if a specific UsdObject was affected
        print(">> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for", prim.GetPath(), notice.AffectedObject(prim))
        print(">> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for", prim.GetPath(), notice.ResyncedObject(prim))
        print(">> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly", prim.GetPath(), notice.ChangedInfoOnly(prim))
        print(">> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges", prim.GetPath(), notice.HasChangedFields(prim))
        print(">> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields", prim.GetPath(), notice.GetChangedFields(prim))

    attr = stage.GetAttributeAtPath("/World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute")
    if attr:
        # path #2

        # Check if a specific UsdObject was affected
        print(">> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for", attr.GetPath(), notice.AffectedObject(attr))
        print(">> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for", attr.GetPath(), notice.ResyncedObject(attr))
        print(">> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly", attr.GetPath(), notice.ChangedInfoOnly(attr))
        print(">> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges", attr.GetPath(), notice.HasChangedFields(attr))
        print(">> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields", attr.GetPath(), notice.GetChangedFields(attr))

listener = Tf.Notice.RegisterGlobally(Usd.Notice.ObjectsChanged, ObjectsChanged_callback)

# Add some prims to the scene
xform : UsdGeom.Xform = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(root_stage, Sdf.Path("/World"))
cube : UsdGeom.Cube = UsdGeom.Cube.Define(root_stage, "/World/Cube")
extent = [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)]
environment_xform = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(root_stage, "/World/Environment")
dome_light = UsdLux.DomeLight.Define(root_stage, "/World/Environment/DomeLight")

# Create an attribute
cube_prim : Usd.Prim = cube.GetPrim()
attr = cube_prim.CreateAttribute("myCustomFloatAttribute", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float)


# Export root stage to file
root_stage.GetRootLayer().Export(BASE_DIRECTORY + "/RootLayer.usda")

# Issue an 'open-stage' command to avoid doing this manually and free whatever stage
# was previously owned by this context
omni.usd.get_context().open_stage(BASE_DIRECTORY + "/RootLayer.usda")


# listener is registered here

# /World Xform is created
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []

# /World/Cube is created, path #1 begins to always be executed from now on
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube True
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube True
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube True
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube ['specifier', 'typeName']

# /World/Cube.extent attribute is created (this is defined in the typed schema)
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube.extent')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []

# /World/Cube.extent attribute has its value changed
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths []
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube.extent')]
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []

# /World/Cube.size is created
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube.size')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []

# /World/Cube.size has its value changed
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths []
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube.size')]
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []

# /World/Environment is created
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Environment')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []

# /World/DomeLight is created... we'll skip all this part since it's similar to what we just explained
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Environment/DomeLight')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Environment/DomeLight.inputs:intensity')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths []
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes [Sdf.Path('/World/Environment/DomeLight.inputs:intensity')]
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []

# /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute is created - path #2 is also executed from now on
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute')]
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute True
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute True
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute True
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute ['custom']

# /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute has its default value changed
><pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7feb381c4ea0> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x1db9dcf0:RootLayer.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0xfb39dd0:RootLayer-session.usda'), pathResolverContext=<invalid repr>)
>> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths []
>> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes [Sdf.Path('/World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute')]
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube False
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube False
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube []
>> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute True
>> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute False
>> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute True
>> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute True
>> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /World/Cube.myCustomFloatAttribute ['default']

# Listener is revoked here

As you can see the USD event system is quite comprehensive and allows you to inspect carefully what’s happening on the scene.

Here’s a link to a more complex example involving creating an Omniverse extension printing out prim paths in the viewport directly: this also uses a Usd.Notice.ObjectsChanged listener to be notified if anything changes in the selected prim so it can react and update accordingly: How to make an extension to display Object Info.

One last thing to pay attention to: stage callbacks are usually handled by USD contexts, therefore the right place to find such callbacks would be taking a look at USD contexts documentations (usually provided by the application you’re using USD in), in Omniverse that would be omni.usd.USDContext:

stage: Usd.Stage = Usd.Stage.Open(some_usd_url)
cache = UsdUtils.StageCache.Get()
# Retrieve a long int id from the singleton cache for all local USD clients
stage_id = cache.Insert(stage).ToLongInt()
def on_stage_opened(result, err):
    if result is True:
        print(f"There were errors opening the stage: {err}")
        print("no errors, stage opened!")
omni.usd.get_context().attach_stage_with_callback(stage_id=stage_id, on_finish_fn=stage_opened_fn)